Descendants of War of 1812 Service Men or Women Certificates are now Available
Posted November 4, 2013 by Niagara 1812 Legacy CouncilCertificates for anyone who can prove direct lineage from a War of 1812-1814 participant are now available. Your ancestor could have been in a militia unit, in His Majesty’s Indian Allies, who were living in what would become Canada, or, someone, male or female, who assisted in the defense of our county.
There were many heroines in the Niagara area, the most famous was Laura Secord. Other women did heroic deeds and were not famous at all. They carried intelligence, carried wounded off the battle fields and took care of them. In some cases, they tricked the other side and saved men from being imprisoned. Some went with their children to the camps to do washing and cooking for the men. Male and female settlers sent supplies via wagon to the various forts and military encampments. Older men who were not in the militia used their teams and wagons for carrying supplies. Some prominent men were taken prisoner although they were not affiliated with any military group. Some petitioned the government with details of their participation asking compensation for their involvement or losses in the War of 1812-14.
Your primary proof documentation must be according to genealogical standards. You must prove parent to child. eg: John son of Dennis Smith or Mary daughter of Dennis Smith. Only photo copies or pictures of material please.
Sources for primary proof may include:
militia lists
birth, death & marriage records
land records
cemetery stones
wills and government documents (eg. court records)
church records
family / personal diaries
census records
newspaper articles eg: obituary, marriage
funeral intimations
bible pages (front of bible showing date if possible)
Or any other primary source material that will prove your ancestors involvement in the war. Please include any reference numbers if using microfilm, microfiche etc.
Not accepted are old county histories, history books and genealogies. In many cases, these records do not provide primary source material and may not be used.
The application fee is $25 per ancestor. If you have more than one ancestor you must include $25 per application. You will receive a certificate for each proven ancestor.
If you would also like a certificate for a sibling, child or grandchild on your proven War of 1812-14 Veteran/Participant, please include an additional descendant fee of $15 per person and proven relationship to you. All certificates will be mailed to your address. For example if you would like 3 more certificates for your three children, prove your children to yourself and add appropriate funds. You do not have to send the same information three more times.
For more information, please e-mail and in subject line please put 1812-1814 certificate.