Jul ’14

The Battle of Chippawa

At Canada's most pristine War of 1812 battlefield, the American victory of the Battle of Chippawa was re-enacted at 2:00pm on Saturday, July 5th.

At Canada’s most pristine War of 1812 battlefield, the American victory of the Battle of Chippawa was re-enacted at 2:00pm on Saturday, July 5th.

This was an event led by the Niagara Parks Commission, with assistance from Parks Canada, The Niagara 1812 Legacy Council, Betty’s Restaurant, the Chippawa Legion, and various other community groups.

What took place

10:00 am – 5:00 pm Historic Merchants and encampment open to the public. Battlefield talks / tours
1:00 pm Opening Ceremonies
2:00 pm The Battle of Chippawa Re-enactment
5:00 pm Commemorative Service

Later in the evening, TV Cogeco re-broadcasted the battle on large screens that flanked the field. This was shown for the re-enactors who took part, that were camping there that weekend.

10:00 am Non-denominational Church Service at Holy Trinity Church 7820 Portage Rd., Niagara Falls
2:00 pm The re-enactment of the Battle of Lundy’s Lane 
on Chippawa battlefield
10:00 am – 3:00 pm Historic Merchants and encampment open to the public. Battlefield talks / tours

About 2,000 people attended on Saturday, July 5, 2014, and just a little less the second day.

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