Aug ’13

“Anthem” at Old Fort Niagara

Presented by the Legacy Council, this musical performance featured songs from David and Ginger Hilldebrand. It told the story behind Francis Scott Key’s creation of “The Star-Spangled Banner” and explores the role of music and patriotism during the War of 1812.

Old Fort Niagara

“Anthem” tells the story behind Francis Scott Key’s creation of “The Star-Spangled Banner” and explores the role of music and patriotism during the War of 1812. Featuring musical performances and interviews with several historians as well as music experts from the US and Great Britain, this documentary delves into the people, songs and events that influenced Key to write what would become the United States of America’s national anthem. David & Ginger Hilldebrand, early music historians, will perform and give a lecture at these events.

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