Niagara County Gives Legacy Council $10,000 for Bicentennial
NIAGARA COUNTY, NY (Friday, February 11, 2011) – The Niagara County Legislature is presenting the
Niagara 1812 Bicentennial Legacy Council with $10,000 to support their bi-national initiatives and events,
taking place over the span of 1,000 days from 2012-2014.
“This is exciting news for the Legacy Council, as it shows the enthusiasm is building on both sides of the
border, “ says LC’s CEO, Brian Merrett. “This money will go a long way; in planning events, marketing
initiatives and assisting local groups in respect to their efforts being put forth for the bicentennial,” Merrett
The Legacy Council would like to thank Suzanne Dietz, the Town of Porter Historian, for her assistance and
dedication in pursuing this funding. Dietz approached the County Legislature to voice the significance of the
bicentennial celebrations.
Dietz was also the sole-American contributor for the Legacy Council’s bicentennial map; writing the scripture
for the “Border in Flames – December 1813” that appears on the American side of the map, as well as assisting
with the points of interest that appear between Fort Niagara and Buffalo.
A photo-op will be held on Tuesday, February 15, 2011, at 9:30 a.m. Fittingly, the presentation will take place
in front of the road sign that reads “1812 – 2012 Old Military Road”, on Main Street in Youngstown. (About
2/10 of a mile South from Ashker’s Coffee Shop.)
The Niagara 1812 Bicentennial Legacy Council is a cross-border not-for-profit organization established to
commemorate the War of 1812 and celebrate the 200 years of peace between Canada and the United States
which have followed.